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Using Western NGOs to Steal Africa’s Resources

“One thing that keeps me puzzled, despite having studied finance and economics at the world’s best universities, the following question remains unanswered. Why is it that 5,000 units of our currency is worth one unit of your currency where we are the ones with the actual gold reserves? It’s quite evident that the aid is…

Facebook to Suck Profit From World’s Poor
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Facebook to Suck Profit From World’s Poor

To view the mainstream media reports and the publicity from internet.org may give the impression that Zuckerberg is doing something laudable, providing “internet” access for free to poor people. Digging deeper only encounters obstruction by way of weasel-worded vagueness about the actual services provided. To be honest, I only spent a couple of hours researching…

Sumerian Civilization Ended by Drought?

A 200-year-long drought 4,200 years ago may have killed off the ancient Sumerian civilization, according to Matt Konfirst, a geologist at the Byrd Polar Research Center Thanks largely to the mainstream obsession with ‘climate change’, research into historical disasters that focuses on climate is getting more funding. Mainstream reporting of this research is skewed towards supporting…

photo of Isaias Afwerki

Eritrea: The Threat of a Good Example

“Fifty years, and billions of dollars in post-colonial international aid have doe little to lift Africa from chronic poverty. African societies are crippled societies. You can’t keep these people living on handouts, because that doesn’t change their lives.” – Eritrea’s President explaining to the World Bank why he was rejecting their $200M aid package. The…

US island residents create own internet service

US island residents create own internet service

The community of Doe Bay, Orcas Island, off the Washington coast, have set up their own internet service, with antennas in trees. Using a directional microwave link to the mainland (10 miles), and a lot of shorter links and relays, the network now supplies around 50 residents with 30-40 Mb synchronous connections. “This has been a total grassroots…