Sumerian Civilization Ended by Drought?

A 200-year-long drought 4,200 years ago may have killed off the ancient Sumerian civilization, according to Matt Konfirst, a geologist at the Byrd Polar Research Center

Thanks largely to the mainstream obsession with ‘climate change’, research into historical disasters that focuses on climate is getting more funding. Mainstream reporting of this research is skewed towards supporting the idea that we must give Al Gore and his carbon mafia all our money and submit to global government, but in between the lines we can piece together a story of successive civilizations which were destroyed by drought. The causes of these droughts are largely left unexplored by mainstream journalists, with speculation confined to statements like “The findings also suggest that modern-day civilizations may be vulnerable to climate change”

There isn’t much evidence that the Sumerians had cars, or package holidays, or air conditioning, so it’s unlikely that their plights had much to do with anything that would easily be construed as supporting carbon taxes and state interference in every aspect of our lives, so the reasons for the climate change are pretty much left out of the reports we get to see in the mainstream media. However, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that agriculture (and thus deforestation) might at least have something to do with it.

More in the article, at, (and many other outlets too)  but it doesn’t go into causes much.

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