Photo of Badilisha Local person carrying food.
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“Clicks” Changing Fortunes Of Badilisha Community In Kenya

Reliable internet connection is a pipe dream for most rural communities of Kenya, Rusinga Island inclusive. It is a challenge that Evans Odula and his Badilisha community members had to live with for many years. Accessing an internet connection involved waking up early in the morning and travelling miles away only to have a glimpse…

Facebook to Suck Profit From World’s Poor
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Facebook to Suck Profit From World’s Poor

To view the mainstream media reports and the publicity from may give the impression that Zuckerberg is doing something laudable, providing “internet” access for free to poor people. Digging deeper only encounters obstruction by way of weasel-worded vagueness about the actual services provided. To be honest, I only spent a couple of hours researching…

US island residents create own internet service

US island residents create own internet service

The community of Doe Bay, Orcas Island, off the Washington coast, have set up their own internet service, with antennas in trees. Using a directional microwave link to the mainland (10 miles), and a lot of shorter links and relays, the network now supplies around 50 residents with 30-40 Mb synchronous connections. “This has been a total grassroots…

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Drinking Water Out of a Billboard in Peru

  LIMA – Peru’s University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) was about to open the applications for the period 2013, so they needed to get students’ attention. Lima, the capital, and its surrounding villages such as Bujama are located in the coastal deserts of Peru. In these places, there were many people suffering from the lack…

Why We Should All Switch Back To Ethernet.

While the proliferation of wireless devices has made accessing the internet more convenient and less obtrusive (no unsightly cables lying around), studies are now revealing the trade-offs that come with convenience. More specifically, the dangers that the widespread adoption of wireless technology has created in regards to our health. Simply put, most people underestimate the…

Wireless Link for Mfangano Island in Kenya Mfangano Island now has a 1Mbps Internet connection. For those of you reading this over a high-speed cable, DSL, or fiber connection in a developed country this may not sound terribly impressive. However, when you consider the four major challenges we had to overcome to bring this meg of data to a remote island…

Water for Africa

[youtube=]Real help for Africans We’ve seen how governments and agencies are willing to spend billions of taxpayers dollars to fund the dumping of obsolete “AIDS drugs” on the African continent. Bill Gates, who has been moving his vast fortune out of software and into a portfolio pharmaceutical companies before the bottom falls out of Microsoft, is…