Michael Aketch Odula; the Globe Trotter Whose Green Ideas Still Rule the Island.

Posthumously, one find it hard to get the right words, or phrases to describe Japuonj Michael Odula, the intellectual giant with paragon virtue, who was also widely known for his green vision and passion to plant and conserve .The indelible memories of his philanthropic work, kind heart and compassionate giving, is still fresh in the…

More Gates Badness

More Gates Badness

A recent article on pontiactribune.com sheds some more light on the dodgy “charity” that Bill Gates is operating. Knowing the pointlessness of reading the foundation’s own publicity, or the mainstream media’s parroting of it, they dug into the recently released tax returns for 2012. Apart from the shameful investments in corporations which finance most of the…


Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater – ponds and swales restricted – jail time for violators

Theres nothing more refreshing than standing in a cool, summertime rain shower. Or bathing in the warm sunlight on a crisp spring day. Or inhaling the cool autumn air, fresh with the scent of turning leaves and pine needles. These things — rainwater, sunlight, air — have long been assumed to be not only free,…

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Indigenous Tree Planting Campaign Hi-Jacked

ECOTERRA Intl.—one of the co-founders of the original campaign—warned that the indiscriminate counting of even GM-trees planted by industries into the statistics of the now UNEP-led initiative gives a false picture and bears grave dangers. “A serious indigenous tree planting campaign carried out by honest people has been hi-jacked for the PR purposes of the…

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Moves to stop ‘global warming’ are devastating tribal people

Measures to stop global warming risk being as harmful to tribal peoples as climate change itself, according to a new report from Survival. The report, `The most inconvenient truth of all: climate change and indigenous people’, sets out four key `mitigation measures’ that threaten tribal people: