
Masai Evicted for Dubai “Royals” Playground

Around 40,000 Masai people living in part of Tanzania bordering the Serengeti national park are to be evicted to make way for a playground for a foreign “royal” family. Dubai, a city built by slaves and ruled by a bunch of decadent despots, has a lot of poverty, but also some of the richest people in the world live or operate from there. They want a place to play at being hunters, and the Masai land is ideal for them.

See more in this RT article.

It may be difficult to believe that anyone would have the sheer arrogance to evict 40,000 people from their homeland just for entertainment, but if you look into the Dubai Royals, and how their pleasure dome has been built, you’ll start to understand.

David Lindsay: The Truth About Dubai
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