Photo of Badilisha Local person carrying food.
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“Clicks” Changing Fortunes Of Badilisha Community In Kenya

Reliable internet connection is a pipe dream for most rural communities of Kenya, Rusinga Island inclusive. It is a challenge that Evans Odula and his Badilisha community members had to live with for many years. Accessing an internet connection involved waking up early in the morning and travelling miles away only to have a glimpse…

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Billions in Change

The world is facing some huge problems. There’s a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn’t reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick. That takes doing. This film is the story about a group of doers, the elegantly simple inventions they have made to change the lives of billions…

John Gilligan Looking To Muscle In On Organised Charities Racket

John Gilligan Looking To Muscle In On Organised Charities Racket

EXILED gangster John Gilligan is said to be thinking about making an emphatic return to the top of Ireland’s criminal underworld, following revelations that he intends to set up an organised charity. Gilligan reportedly got the idea for the venture following the high-profile scandals of both Rehab and Positive Action, where it was revealed that…

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Could You Give Like This Man?

Waking Times Video – Research suggests that not only is giving good for you—your health, your happiness, and your sense of purpose—but gift-giving activates the good things that people do to heal a wounded world. Altruism, selflessness, and compassion have the power to catalyze positive human behaviors that improve communities, societies, and the planet. Could you…

Be Happier: Spend More Money on Others

If you want to feel happier—and who doesn’t—what should you do with that $20 you have in your pocket? The evidence is clear, according to a new research paper: You should use it to help someone in need. Psychologists Elizabeth Dunn and Lara Aknin, along with Michael Norton of Harvard Business School, report that the benefits of helping others “are evident in…

Social giving makes us happier

People usually feel good when they make a charitable donation, but they feel even better if they make the donation directly to someone they know or in a way that builds social connection. Research to be published in the International Journal of Happiness and Development investigates for the first time how social connection helps turn generous behavior…