Who Benefits From GM Crops?
Short answer, big agriculture, big business and little Bill. Bill Gates along with Monsanto are using their US government to force GM crops on Africa, says a report by FoE International. Small farmers will suffer, even more than they are under the current alleged aid and development projects.
In their press release, FoE says:
“South African farmers have more than 16 years’ experience cultivating GM maize, soya and cotton, but the promise that GM crops would address food security has not been fulfilled. Indeed, South Africa’s food security is reportedly declining with almost half the nation currently categorised as food insecure even though South Africa exports maize,” said Haidee Swanby from the African Centre for Biosafety.
“The South African experience confirms that GM crops can only bring financial benefits for a small number of well-resourced farmers. The vast majority of African farmers are small farmers who cannot afford to adopt expensive crops which need polluting inputs such as synthetic fertilisers and chemicals to perform effectively,” she added.
[strange usage of “effectively” there, maybe she knows what they’re really for!]…According to the final declaration of the Forum for Food Sovereignty, …”Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It puts those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of markets and corporations.”
Their press release is on their website (link) and archived [US force feeds GM crops] as a pdf
The report is also on their site (link) and archived [Who-benefits-report-2015] as a pdf