
Cameroon: WWF complicit in tribal people’s abuse

 survivalinternational.org Baka in southeast Cameroon face serious abuse at the hands of anti-poaching squads supported and funded by WWF. © Selcen Kucukustel/Atlas UPDATE 16 October: WWF has responded angrily to Survival’s campaign. Read the facts behind the headlines. Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, has uncovered serious abuses of Baka “Pygmies” in…

Ethiopian Annihilation of the Ogaden People

by GRAHAM PEEBLES In the harsh Ogaden region of Ethiopia, impoverished ethnic Somali people are being murdered and tortured, raped, persecuted and displaced by government paramilitary forces. Illegal actions carried out with the knowledge and tacit support of donor countries, seemingly content to turn a blind eye to war crimes and crimes against humanity being…