
How UNICEF Harms Third World Children And Misleads About Their Deaths

A recent Associated Press story shows how UNICEF harms the interests of third world children by using the media to mislead the world.  UNICEF, a United Nations organisation (originally called United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) exaggerates the effect on the health of third world children of its activities.  UNICEF’s efforts are effectively insignificant compared…

More Climate Scam News

There’s no doubt some truth in all the CO2 propaganda we’re being subjected to. Of course our over-consuming industrial civilization is having a devastating impact on our home, no-one could seriously dispute that, but what our leaders are foisting on us as a solution is just more of the same. The same increase in their…

World “Health” Organization Funded by Junk Food Industry

Not only is the WHO funded by junk food makers like Coca-Cola, Nestle and Unilever, they also have junk food industry ‘experts’ to advise them on things like how to fight obesity! No more needs to be said really, but here is a Daily Mail article about it. (saved as a pdf here World_Health_Organisation_taking_cash_handouts). This…

Indigenous Herders and Small Farmers Fight Livestock Extinction

Our non-interference with traditional culture approach is supported again by news that at least one indigenous livestock breed becomes extinct each month as a result of overreliance on select breeds imported from the United States and Europe, according to the study, “The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources,” conducted by the UN Food and…