Message to the African Wildlife Foundation
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/52192689]Nakuru Lemiruni sends a message to those responsible for evicting the Samburu tribe from their land.. The Samburu of Kisargei, in Kenya’s Laikipia district, were brutally evicted from the lands they call home in 2010 after the land was sold to the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). AWF, using funds from The Nature Conservancy (TNC),…
Green Climate Fund Junket
The U.N’s Green Climate fund has so far received 7.5 million dollars in funds from a small number of countries. What do you think a bunch of dull, grey conference types would do with it? Sure enough they spent it all on their own salaries, offices, travel and finding new ways to be boring. Try…
REDD does not reduce emissions, nor halt deforestation.
REDD, or reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, is one of the most controversial issues in the climate change debate. The basic concept is simple: governments, companies or forest owners in the South should be rewarded for keeping their forests instead of cutting them down. The devil, as always, is in the details. More…
Hot air and carbon crooks: The reality of carbon trading
[On 10th Sept 2013], “Varm luft for milliarder”, a documentary by Tom Heinemann, was broadcast on Danish television. It’s an exceptionally good documentary, with beautiful photography and featuring interviews with politicians, academics, a carbon trader, a journalist and an activist. The narration is by Danish actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Headhunters, Game of Thrones, Black Hawk Down)….
Haiti Reconstruction: Hotels, Sweatshops and Deregulation
Today, the “international community” is running Haiti again, colonial style. One can easily tell by comparing the very slow construction of shelters and basic infrastructure for the Haitian majority with the rapid rise of luxury hotels for foreigners, sometimes with the help of aid funds which, we were told, were going to provide Haitians with…
Cashless Society Arrives in Africa
It was recently announced at the World Economic Forum in Cape Town, South Africa that MasterCard and the Nigerian National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) under the government of Nigeria would form a partnership to distribute a new identity card to every Nigerian citizen. The purpose of the card is to have all Nigerian citizens participate…
Bono partners with Monsanto, G8, to wreck African farms with GMOs
Rady Ananda Activist Post At the G8 Summit held two weeks ago at Camp David, President Obama met with private industry and African heads of state to launch the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, a euphemism for monocultured, genetically modified crops and toxic agrochemicals aimed at making poor farmers debt slaves to corporations,…
Love vs. Fear
The world is like a ride. You think it’s real – it’s just a ride And we can change it any time we want It’s only a choice – between fear and love. Bill Hicks
Survival International Accuses WWF of Involvement in Violence and Abuse
“Tribal peoples have been dependent on and managed their environments for millennia. Despite this, big conservation organizations are partnering with industry and tourism and destroying the b… Source: Survival International Accuses WWF of Involvement in Violence and Abuse | Wrong Kind of Green