photo of Isaias Afwerki

Eritrea: The Threat of a Good Example

“Fifty years, and billions of dollars in post-colonial international aid have doe little to lift Africa from chronic poverty. African societies are crippled societies. You can’t keep these people living on handouts, because that doesn’t change their lives.” – Eritrea’s President explaining to the World Bank why he was rejecting their $200M aid package. The…

Indigenous Herders and Small Farmers Fight Livestock Extinction

Our non-interference with traditional culture approach is supported again by news that at least one indigenous livestock breed becomes extinct each month as a result of overreliance on select breeds imported from the United States and Europe, according to the study, “The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources,” conducted by the UN Food and…

150,000 Indian Farmers Commit Suicide Due to Debt

One of the guiding principles of our organization is to help people find ways to solve their problems without introducing new problems, one such problem that commonly occurs is debt. India may be the trend-setter here, with an estimated 150,000 debt-ridden farmers succumbing to suicide since 1997. With guns in short supply in rural India,…