
EU Commission in Biodiesel ‘Forest’ Scam

A leaked draft EU document shows that the Commission would like to rename palm oil plantations as “forest” in order that biodiesel from palm oil plantations can still meet EU biofuels sustainability criteria. Palm oil expansion is a major cause of tropical rainforest destruction and biodiesel from palm oil can easily cause more greenhouse gas…

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Indigenous Tree Planting Campaign Hi-Jacked

ECOTERRA Intl.—one of the co-founders of the original campaign—warned that the indiscriminate counting of even GM-trees planted by industries into the statistics of the now UNEP-led initiative gives a false picture and bears grave dangers. “A serious indigenous tree planting campaign carried out by honest people has been hi-jacked for the PR purposes of the…

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Moves to stop ‘global warming’ are devastating tribal people

Measures to stop global warming risk being as harmful to tribal peoples as climate change itself, according to a new report from Survival. The report, `The most inconvenient truth of all: climate change and indigenous people’, sets out four key `mitigation measures’ that threaten tribal people:

Huge pay for Australian aid consultants

While tension between Papua New Guinean locals and ethnic-Asian businessmen continues across PNG, it’s emerged that some AusAid contractors there earn more than Australia’s Prime Minister. A recruitment company says some of its staff, hired by AusAid, have been paid up to $AUD360,000 a year to improve public sector management and administration. AidWatch says that’s…

Indigenous groups oppose WWF ‘sustainable’ aquaculture effort

WWF last week founded a Council to certifiy fish and seafood farms. “We see the ASC as yet another attempt by a Big International NGO to formulate some ill-conceived plan to remedy the problems of unsustainable industrial shrimp farming,” said the Forest Peoples Programme in a statement. “These kinds of remedies do not involve the…