photo of posh hotel lobby

Western NGO workers live luxuriously while Ebola orphans left to fend for themselves in Liberia

Western aid agencies are using the plight of Africa’s Ebola orphans to fund a lavish lifestyle in $800-a-night hotels and leaving the children to fend for themselves, according to Liberia’s development chief. Children who were forced to watch their parents die and were then shunned by their community are being ignored while useless facilities are…


Cameroon: WWF complicit in tribal people’s abuse Baka in southeast Cameroon face serious abuse at the hands of anti-poaching squads supported and funded by WWF. © Selcen Kucukustel/Atlas UPDATE 16 October: WWF has responded angrily to Survival’s campaign. Read the facts behind the headlines. Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, has uncovered serious abuses of Baka “Pygmies” in…

WWF shares culpability for mass killing of orangutans

WWF shares culpability for mass killing of orangutans

The WWF raises money across the globe to save the orangutan. The organization does, in fact, act to preserve existing national parks that are home to the likeable, funny-faced apes. But at the same time, the WWF – a strong proponent of plant-based energy production worldwide – is aiding its agribusiness partners in annihilating much…


New Book Blows the Whistle on WWF

The World Wide Fund for Nature has been the subject of much controversy since its inception. Now a new English translation of a book by German author Wilfried Huismann, PandaLeaks – The Dark Side of the WWF, presents two years of on-the-ground investigative research, exposing their unethical and hypocritical tactics to a much greater depth than before. The book…

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How the Globalists Are Raping Africa (and the Rest of the World, Too)

Episode 2 of Truthstream News explores the hidden agenda for global domination behind ‘charitable’ international aid and agribusiness. In this second episode of Truthstream News, Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton expose the phony pretenses behind a massive corporate takeover in Africa – as well as other examples of Trojan Horse philanthropic aid on the international…

John Gilligan Looking To Muscle In On Organised Charities Racket

John Gilligan Looking To Muscle In On Organised Charities Racket

EXILED gangster John Gilligan is said to be thinking about making an emphatic return to the top of Ireland’s criminal underworld, following revelations that he intends to set up an organised charity. Gilligan reportedly got the idea for the venture following the high-profile scandals of both Rehab and Positive Action, where it was revealed that…

Pink Charity Scam Supports Cancer Causing Industry

Pink Charity Scam Supports Cancer Causing Industry

The Susan G. Komen Foundation partners with the fracking industry to ‘pink wash’ cancer-causing chemicals pumped into the ground (NaturalNews) By now, Americans are aware that breast cancer exists, thanks to the pink colour-branding marketed by the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The foundation has literally “pink washed” the entire month of October, routinely partnering with…

Gates Foundation Promoting Corporate Takeover Of Global Agriculture

(NaturalNews) After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world’s…