
Rusinga Island’s long journey to ecological order

Globally and locally, climate change is a grave concern, a lot is happening already which attests to this fact. And if something is not done now rather than later irreversible changes will occur. And it all calls for system changes. Our beloved island Rusinga is not left out, and our community—led by Evans Odula, a local community mobiliser—is doing a lot through Badilisha, an organization he helped create over ten years ago to promote permaculture locally and regionally.

A few years ago Badilisha also got interested in the difficult job of forest protection and tree planting in close collaboration with schools and the local community.

A lot has since happened. This year alone over 20,000 trees have been planted in close collaboration with the local community, schools and farmers.

Our indigenous forest which has faced major destruction by the local community to earn their livelihoods has also shown clear signs of regeneration.

Natural trees which were threatened have recovered and grasses are growing on the hillsides which were badly degraded, a clearer indication that assisted natural regenerations works.

And this long journey continues.

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