China Couple Turns Desert Into Oasis
China View reporters visited a woman in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. She and her husband have dedicated themselves to planting trees and fighting desertification for nearly three decades.
China View reporters visited a woman in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. She and her husband have dedicated themselves to planting trees and fighting desertification for nearly three decades.
In a Guardian article we’re warned that the “Amazon rainforest is losing ability to regulate climate” Despite ‘careful’ phrasing, this article and the research it refers to is very useful support for the notion that we need more forests if we are to survive here for much longer. Big Pharma and its mainstream ‘medicine’ lackeys…
A leaked draft EU document shows that the Commission would like to rename palm oil plantations as “forest” in order that biodiesel from palm oil plantations can still meet EU biofuels sustainability criteria. Palm oil expansion is a major cause of tropical rainforest destruction and biodiesel from palm oil can easily cause more greenhouse gas…
Plos One has published a study that implies that fungal spores can create rain. From the Abstract: Millions of tons of fungal spores are dispersed in the atmosphere every year. These living cells, along with plant spores and pollen grains, may act as nuclei for condensation of water in clouds. Basidiospores released by mushrooms form…
We tend to get carried away, impressed by our knowledge, while forgetting that what we don’t know is vastly greater than what we do. We introduce non-native species to an area because, in another part of the world, they do something we like. What’s quoted below is from the book “The Vegetarian Myth” by Lierre…
If you cut your forest, the winds will not blow from the ocean and will not bring you rain. Natural forests draw atmospheric moisture inland from the ocean in a positive feedback loop. This builds up precipitation inland, compensating for water lost through river flow and ultimately increasing river runoff due to the sustained low-pressure…
(2005) Australian scientists say they have found proof that cutting down forests reduces rainfall. The finding, independent of previous anecdotal evidence and computer modelling, uses physics and chemistry to show how the climate changes when forests are lost, by analyzing variations in the molecular structure of rain along the Amazon River. Not all water, Professor Henderson-Sellers said,…