Love vs. Fear
The world is like a ride. You think it’s real – it’s just a ride
And we can change it any time we want It’s only a choice – between fear and love.
Bill Hicks
[Government, not the Government] You can see from the work of Bill Mollison and others that it’s quite possible to green the desert without massive infrastructure projects. The present desertification of the South-West of the United States is not a result of “climate change”, it’s the result of misuse of the water that’s always been there, under…
Already 56,000 people have pledged to support a global ‘internet seed swap’ initiative promoted by Avaaz,. Trouble is, the plans are deeply flawed, and have been developed without consultation with major seed saving groups worldwide. They also claimed the approval of the famous activist Vandana Shiva, but had to apologize when she said she didn’t…
Waking Times Video – Research suggests that not only is giving good for you—your health, your happiness, and your sense of purpose—but gift-giving activates the good things that people do to heal a wounded world. Altruism, selflessness, and compassion have the power to catalyze positive human behaviors that improve communities, societies, and the planet. Could you…
[youtube=] Allan Savory describes his successes in reversing desertification.
REDD, or reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, is one of the most controversial issues in the climate change debate. The basic concept is simple: governments, companies or forest owners in the South should be rewarded for keeping their forests instead of cutting them down. The devil, as always, is in the details. More…
As if the bankers hadn’t stolen enough money in the so-called bailouts. The record bonuses they gave themselves while pensioners and the poorest part of society had to take cuts in income or pay more tax to pay them were obviously not enough. Now the parasites have Ehtiopia in their sights for yet another ‘development’…