WWF and Monsanto in the Amazon

If you read a statement from the Vatican saying that the Pope is working with Satan to achieve Christian peace on Earth, you’d be a bit skeptical at least, wouldn’t you? Yet WWF frequently admit that they are “working with” monsters like Cargill and Monsanto. David wasn’t “working with” Goliath, and medals aren’t handed out for working with the enemy.

The purposes of corporations such as Monsanto are directly opposed to the declared purpose of WWF, and working with them is a contradiction. If you want to go up, the down button is irrelevant, you can’t use it to go up, no matter how good you are at “spinning” your story. If someone’s pressing the down button, no matter what they say, you know what their real agenda is (or that they’re completely insane).

Anyway, here’s an article about WWF’s collusion with Monsanto in the Amazon.
and archived as a pdf: Monsanto_WWF_Amazon

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