Red Cross Screws Donors And Victims Again

Whenever there is a tragedy, the American Red Cross revs up its fundraising machines. The public is inundated with slick television commercials and the money pours in. So much money that very often the American Red Cross receives 70% of ALL the donations made by the public to help the victims in any given high profile event.

Where does all that money go? Be prepared to be shocked. Here’s how bad it is:  The charity has hired a fancy law firm to fight a public request filed with New York state, arguing that information about its Sandy activities is a “trade secret.” Red Cross: “We’re not answering any questions about anything” – See more at:
Archived here as pdf.

Update 1 Nov 2014: Red Cross diverted funds for hurricane relief to their own PR campaign
Through internal documents obtained by journalists and interviews conducted with those close to the Red Cross’ response to those emergencies, the reports published this week by both media outlets conclude that evidence depicts “an organization so consumed with public relations that it hindered the charity’s ability to provide disaster services.”

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