Indigenous groups oppose WWF ‘sustainable’ aquaculture effort
WWF last week founded a Council to certifiy fish and seafood farms. “We see the ASC as yet another attempt by a Big International NGO to formulate some ill-conceived plan to remedy the problems of unsustainable industrial shrimp farming,” said the Forest Peoples Programme in a statement. “These kinds of remedies do not involve the local communities and grassroots movements in the process of defining steps to be taken, and therefore exclude those peoples most affected by the industry’s ongoing assaults as readily evidenced in such locations as Lampung, Indonesia or Muisne, Ecuador, in Khulna, Bangladesh or Choluteca, Honduras.”
“As well, the proposed standards that will define the Aquaculture Stewardship Council are largely based upon supporting an unsustainable, open throughput system of aquaculture production, and not upon a more sustainable closed production approach, indicating that the proposed ASC’s process is aimed in an inappropriate and environmentally dangerous direction.”
More at website.